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LPD Lab Services

Analytical Techniques

LPD Lab Services has a diverse range of materials analytical techniques for perfoming materials analysis, chemical analysis and product reverse engineering as listed below.  These scientific instruments are run by a group extremely industrially experienced members of technical staff provide added value interpretion of data even at the industrial process level.  This mix coupled with a proven track record in industrial support and problem solving provides a unique, proactive and rapidly responding technical service. 

SEM/EDX is an extremely high magnification microscope which provides images and elemental analysis of materials or chemicals top down or in cross-section.

The large range of chemical analysis techniques for quantitative and trace analysis of solids, liquids and gases for organics and inorganics. Other facilities available in the laboratory are detailed.

These sophisticated techniques including XPS, SIMS and AES provide the tools necessary to explore the surface and subsurface chemistry of materials and components as well as measure wetting characteristics or solids and liquids using specialised contact angle techniques.

Optical Microscopy and Image Analysis details the variety of Optical Microscopes in the laboratory used to physically inspect the structure of materials and components as well as Image Analysis techniques to generate measurements and data from these images.  The Image Analysis techniques also are applicable to SEM micrographs.  

Mechanical Properties details the laboratory's capabilities for tensile and hardness testing of materials to measure performance under various types of loading as well as metallurgical sample preparation techniques.

X-ray imaging is a non-destructive technique that provides microfocussed images of components and products to reveal buried mechanical structure and physical flaws. It can be used to target the reverse engineering of failing components combined with SEM and optical microscopy.

Materials Analysis provides an introduction to the technical capabilities and services offered by LPD Lab Services for raw material and products analysis or investigation. The analytical techniques are used to improve quality and manufacturing processes or solve problems.