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LPD Lab Services

Dust Analysis

SEM Particle Analysis BSE in dustUnderstanding and identifying dust particles can be needed for many reasons. You might be worried about the health and safety of your workers, or concerned about contamination of your products, or for regulatory authorities looking for evidence for cleanroom or healthcare products. LPD Lab Services has many years of experience in the analysis of dust to provide information on its composition. This can often give useful insight into the origin, and help in the elimination or treatment of the source of the dust.

The aim of dust particle identification analysis is to gain additional information other than size and volume about dust samples. It will also to identify or characterise specific microscopic and microstructure contaminants that can be then controlled or removed from components or manufacturing processes.

LPD has a wide range of techniques that can be used these include:

Optical particle dust analysis

The links below  provide an illustrative list of example pieces of work LPD Lab Services has carried out since it began doing 3rd Party work in 2003. Multiple links are provided to other areas of the website to help customers navigate.

LPD Lab Services have typically seen dust particles in regulated industries like aerospace, cleanroom, pharmaceutical, medical device and food but have also supported clients in automotive, chemicals, engineering, environmental and building materials.