Batteries, Fuel Cells, Power Packs & Solar Cells
There are many options available for energy storage including batteries, capacitors, and supercapacitors. Batteries and capacitors are both capable of storing energy but operate in different ways. Capacitors store this energy in an electric field, rather than batteries which use chemical reactions to produce the electricity. The advantage of this is that supercapacitors have a higher charge density, faster charge and discharge rates and a longer lifespan than conventional batteries.
Every portable electronic system requires some sort of battery or an alternative source to provide power. Electronics are useless without a power source so maintaining the supply and making it reliable and efficient is critical.
LPD Lab Services has extensive experience in both failure analysis and electronics, allowing both physical and chemical failures to be determined. Typical analytical and consulting work includes:
- Failure investigations of charging systems and electronics
- Leaking cell reverse engineering physical and chemical investigation
- Lithium ion cell failure and electrolyte leakage investigations.
- Internal cell membrane failure investigations
- Analysis of materials and components in electrochemical supercapacitors.
- Fuel cell subcomponent surface analysis
- Sub-component process quality improvement
- Welding contactor failure investigation
- Nickel coating failure due to can crimping and deep drawing failures.
- Analysis of materials and components in Lithium Ion Cells.
- Analysis of materials in fuel cells.
- Battery canister plating thicknesses, effects of crimping and can forming for minimising leakage.
- Corrosion failures of cells.