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LPD Lab Services

Environmental Consultancy

Environmental Consultancy

Having been part of an Industrial based ISO 14001 registered companyLPD Lab Services have many years of experience in dealing with all aspects of environmental issues ranging from implementing an environmental management system, analysing chemical waste to dealing with the Environment Agency (EA) itself.

We are able to offer advice which can also be backed up with analysis if required, on issues such as waste disposal, use of environmentally friendly equivalents, emergency measures and plans to minimise environmental damage in the event of an accident. LPD Lab Services also have experience in IPPC application in industry.

Microplastics are becoming increasingly of concern in the environment.  The laboratory has significant experience in microplastics analysis and identifaction.

Please contact us for more information.

Our site expert on Environmental Consultancy is Aeryn May.

Application Notes
Document Title View
Environmental Monitoring of Industrial Waste waters and Effluent Discharges
Environmental Monitoring of Contaminated Atmospheres
Contaminant Particle Identification and Elimination
Waste Characterisation, Unknown Chemical Contamination and Lead in Paint Analysis